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Well, the Mets are at it again.  After attending the double-header split on Saturday and watching that gut-wrenching loss on Sunday, I was ready for the Mets to pull one of their 2008 patented comeback-after-demoralizing-loss wins. No such luck.  Pedro Martinez has...

Public Enemy #1: Aaron Heilman

Last night I atteneded the most enjoyable Mets games I’ve been to this season.  That is, it should have been the most enjoyable game, but Jerry Manuel insisted on using the human trainwreck to try to close out the game. Joe Smith and Scott Shoenweiss managed to...

Office Party

My office is comprised of three sister companies (with a fourth located in Williamsburg), and we don’t necessarily get the opportunity to work together that much.  Our benevolent and masterful CEO takes it upon himself to breed a sense of commeraderie among the...


Seems like I’ve done this before… I’m going to try rolling the blogging boulder up the laziness mountain one more time.  As the saying goes: If at first you don’t succeed, just change WordPress themes and re-publish. I may not have two...