I spend a lot of time online.
Wow. Another version of my website. This ought to be a hoot!
- MeBlog
Live Election Coverage!
Finally, a reason for all the colored markers and whiteboard
Vacation is officially OFF.
Well. That's about as fast as 9 days can go by. The desert is beautiful as always. It provided the perfect backdrop for a lovely wedding. I was able to get in quality time with the family and friends, enjoy the perfect weather, and get some much needed R&R. Now, as I...
Vacation is officially ON!
Well, I'm here. Here is a relative term I suppose as it currently refers to a taxicab stuck in traffic on the 101. But, on a larger scale, here means Arizona. The flight seemed long, but in reality landed 45 minutes ahead of schedule. There's even a slight chance that...
Your Thursday Moment of 80’s Movie Themed Alt Rock Zen
Pandora served this gem up to me. It's even better with the...