I spend a lot of time online.
Wow. Another version of my website. This ought to be a hoot!
- MeBlog
Barack Obama has made the media rounds since his historic election victory in November. Now, he's even making his rounds through fiction. Here's a funny little interaction between your friendly neighborhood web-slinger and your friendly neighborhood President-Elect. I...
On Siblings once-removed, Niblings and Grand-Siblings
Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Son and Daughter, Brother and Sister. Parents, grandparents, children, siblings. Nice terms that wrap up the gender-specific terms into an easy-to-use general term. Â What about my siblings' children? As an Uncle, and as a Nephew,...
New year, same difficulty finding interesting things to write
One year ended, another began, and I'm Uncle Ben for the fifth time. Â Emma, if you're reading this, you're officially the smartest. My life keeps rolling on, much as it has these last 15 months in the Big Apple. I work a lot. I go out with friends a lot. And no...
Mets Are The Most New York Team EVER
With the recent addition of the Buffalo Bisons as the AAA afiliate, the Mets now have four teams in New York State, solidifying their status as the New Yorkiest baseball team, ever. Single-A Brooklyn Cyclones - An affiliate since 2001, the Brooklyn Cyclones play under...
Omar reads BlogMyerson
Clearly the only explanation of this move. Hours after I say: DITCH SHOENWEISS. You don’t even need to replace him. You don’t need to get anything in return in a trade. Just make sure this guy is not on the roster on April 1. The Mets trade Shoenweiss for a...