I spend a lot of time online.
Wow. Another version of my website. This ought to be a hoot!
- MeBlog
Budget Retirement in NYC
I've been out of work for a while now, and I'm attempting to enjoy all that NYC has to offer without blowing through my Latin America trip budget. To be perfectly honest, it hasn't been too much of a struggle. Food and drink were a huge part of my budget while I...
Another Great Blast From the Past
It's about time this one was revived. One of the best games I ever played, The Secret of Monkey Island, has been re-vamped and re-released. Offered as The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, the game has updated sound and graphics, but is otherwise an...
Best Burger in NYC
It's t-minus two days until my official departure from Industrial Color, and my future former coworkers are ready to let the goodbye festivities begin. Today we went to lunch at Wolfgang's (not Puck) Steakhouse in TriBeCa, just a few blocks from the office. This place...
Workday Blues
It seems the computer gods agree with my plan to leave work. As I was performing my normal work duties, I received the infamous BSOD. Don't know if you can quite see it, but the error was "INVALID WORK QUEUE ITEM." I couldn't agree...
Step 1
Today I took a bold step towards the unknown. I informed my company that I will be their code monkey no longer. At the end of the month, when I've finished my current obligations, I will take my leave and begin an indeterminate period of willfull unemployment. Beyond...