I spend a lot of time online.
Wow. Another version of my website. This ought to be a hoot!
- MeBlog
Antigua – Day 25
After my lessons for the day (which included a Scrabble victory), I went with a few other students to book a trip to Volcan Pacaya for the afternoon. The bus that picked us up went around town and picked up a few more groups. At one of the stops, my old friend Liam...
Antigua – Day 24
The thing about being in one place for a long time is that you don't really have much to write about. More school. More wandering the cobblestone streets of Antigua. More stumbling through Spanish with my host family. Perhaps tomorrow's excursion to an active volcano...
Antigua – Day 23
I awoke at 7 to get ready for class (yesterday's class was the only one in the afternoon, the rest of the week we start at 8) and eat breakfast with my host family. We had a nice meal then walked over to the school. The second day of class included more conjugations...
Antigua – Day 22
Our hostel, El Gato Negro, includes breakfast in the cost, so we all went down to the restaurant. After a delicious breakfast burrito and a few cups of coffee, we were ready to hunt down our language school for the week. We stopped in a few places (there are dozens of...
Antigua – Day 21
Three weeks into the trip… I've picked up more British and Australian than Spanish. No worries. I've spent twice as much money as I expected per day. I've taken half as many photos as I expected per day. I've made actual, will-keep-in-touch kinds of friends. I've...