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It hurts being right

Aaron Friggin’ Heilman. I really really hate that guy.  But, really this problem goes beyond him.  Sanchez, Shoenweiss, Feliciano.  There really isn’t a guy in the bullpen who isn’t struggling right now.  It’s exactly like September of last...

iPod music while using iPhone apps

One of my minor complaints with many of the apps (ok, it’s the games) for iPhone is that they tend to override your current playlist in favor of the generally crappy application soundtrack. Well, thanks to the kind people of the internet, I’ve found a few...

I don’t own the company…

…in fact, I don’t even think they’re paying me! If you have spent any time watching Mets baseball on SNY this year, then you’ve undoubtedly seen this miserable commercial: I swear they find a way to show this damn thing at least twice an...

Blogging from my phone

The iPhone has been the best gadget I’ve ever owned. Now that 3rd party apps have arrived, it’s only gotten better. Now, I get to administer my blog from anywhere with the wordpress app. Now, technically wordpress has had post-by-email features for years,...

Roadside attractions on the information superhighway

Sure, everyone knows The Grand Canyon (Google), the Redwood Forest (Amazon) and Niagara Falls (Youtube – this analogy would work a lot better if, you know, the Grand Canyon bought Niagara Falls for $1.65 Billion) but there are plenty of second and third tier...