Aug 28, 2008 | Random
I’m sitting in front of my TV, watching the coverage of the Democratic National Convention. For the first time in a long time, I’m actually excited about American politics. I am not shy about my political leanings. I am a bleeding heart liberal. I...
Aug 28, 2008 | Random
’nuff said. Maybe the best use yet of the “Awful Creatures from the Murky Deep”...
Aug 20, 2008 | Random
It was inevitable. The Mets now have three Reyeses (Reyi?) on their Major League roster in the organization. They could pick up JoJo (the Braves’ starter from yesterday) and get a four of a kind. Beyond the awful puns and silly coincidences (coincidi?), this...
Aug 18, 2008 | Random
The Mets have a plethora of Hispanic players in their system, so it should come as no surprise that they have more than a few Pedros. But multiple Pedro Martinezes? Count ’em. Not one, not two, but three Pedros Martinez are in the organization right...
Aug 18, 2008 | Random
Aug 12, 2008 | Random
OK, this is cool. Springfield Punx! If anyone knows me, they know this is right up my alley. Kudos to the author/artist.