Dec 20, 2008 | Random
With the recent addition of the Buffalo Bisons as the AAA afiliate, the Mets now have four teams in New York State, solidifying their status as the New Yorkiest baseball team, ever. Single-A Brooklyn Cyclones – An affiliate since 2001, the Brooklyn Cyclones play...
Dec 15, 2008 | Random
Clearly the only explanation of this move. Hours after I say: DITCH SHOENWEISS. You don’t even need to replace him. You don’t need to get anything in return in a trade. Just make sure this guy is not on the roster on April 1. The Mets trade Shoenweiss for a...
Dec 11, 2008 | Random
It looks like the Mets actually have a chance at not having an awful bullpen next year. In the past 24 hours, the Mets have made some sweeping changes to their bullpen. Out with old: Wagner – OK, this didn’t happen in the past 24 hours, but its worth...
Dec 6, 2008 | Random
Warning: This is gonna get really nerdy. The web today is all about “me” and “my” and “us”. It’s very personal and very social. But it’s still world-wide, in the sense that you have an online presence, but that...
Dec 3, 2008 | Random
So, over the long weekend, I started thinking about some side projects I might want to tackle in my spare time. I’ve always wanted to build a site or web app that can stand on its own, find a modest user base, and add value to someone’s life in some...
Nov 5, 2008 | Random
Yes we did.