Oct 9, 2009 | Random
Farrah, the owner/operator Yo Mama’s Casa, told us about a nice nearby beach. Jimena, Alec and I started off around 11 to go and find it, hoping to run into more friends on the way. After a nice falafel lunch and some unsuccesful friend searching, we started...
Oct 8, 2009 | Random
It was a sunny day, the lake water was still, and no one was hungover; perfect conditions for kayaking. Eight of us rented kayaks and headed out on the lake. Directly across from San Pedro are some cliffs and a small town called San Marcos. We paddled out, swam for a...
Oct 8, 2009 | Random
The entire town of San Pedro was hungover today. Nothing to see here.
Oct 6, 2009 | Random
I started off the day with a few goals. I wanted to book a hike up one of the peaks around the lake, take a kayak out, play frisbee and read a bunch of my book (I’ve borrowed Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War which has been fascinating so far). Well,...
Oct 6, 2009 | Random
San Pedro is a great place to fart around with no plans. The town is small and friendly, the surrounding geography is absurdly cool (a giant lake surrounded by volcanoes) and the drinks are cheap. A few of the other hostelers and I went down to a resaurant called La...
Oct 4, 2009 | Random
Today, after breakfast, Alec and I went down and printed out and framed a copy of one of the family photos from the night before. It wad a great way to end our time with the family. Around midday, we headed down to the chicken bus depot. For the uninitiated, a chicken...