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Bocas del Toro – Day 50

We had ourselves a leisurely morning and picked up a new travel companion: an Aussie bloke by the name of Struan. He joined us as we hopped on a minibus bound for Bocas. The trip was a slow winding journey through the mountains. We arrived in Almirante to catch the...

David – Day 49

I woke up to Lucy the dog licking my face at 6am. She insisted on sleeping in the tent with us. We looked out and saw that not only had the rain held off all night but that the clouds had actually rolled out a bit and some blue sky was visible. The good weather comes...

Carate – Day 48

The rain continued throughout the night. Alec and I were both a bit concerned that the collectivo might not be able to make it back through to Carate if the paths were washed out, and with the downpours, we weren’t too keen on another jungle hike. So we headed...

La Leona – Day 47

We boarded the collectivo jeep at 6am of what seemed like a gorgeous sunny day. As we moved along towards the town of Carate, on the edge of the park, the clouds rolled in. During a short coffee break, the rain started. When we got to Carate, we had to hike 3...

Puerto Jimenez – Day 46

After a lengthy but uneventful bus ride, Alec and I found ourselves in the sleepy town of Puerto Jimenez. Port Jim is the connection point for the Parque Nacional de Corcovado, a large, mostly untouched tract of rainforest. We decided to spend the night in town, then...

San Isidro – Day 45

We woke up this morning to the same rainstorm that lulled us to sleep. Though I’ve been fully aware that I’ve been travelling during the central American rainy season, this was one of the only times where the downside of that has become apparent....