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Panama City – Day 56

Robbie, Anna, Alec and I spent most of the day in the hostel, catching up with eachother, meeting the other guests and of course, testing out the local rum and beers. In fact, other than a short trip to a restaurant for some dinner, we didn’t venture outside....

Panama City – Day 55

After another free pancake breakfast that couldn’t be beat, I got word that friends were gathering in Panama City. It was going to be a long trip, so I started off right away. So I went back through David for the 2773rd time in a week, and caught a connecting...

Boquete – Day 54

I once again woke up to a free pancake breakfast (good stretch of luck with hostels) and some good coffee. Talked to the Brits a bit before they headed off to Bocas. They’re essentially doing the same path I did in the opposite direction, so I gave them a few...

Boquete – Day 53

I slept in as much as I could, but between the construction noises and Panama’s neverending marching band practice (seriously, there’s been loud practice in the streets in every Panamanian city I’ve seen so far) I couldn’t sleep much past 8:30....

Bocas del Toro – Day 52

Somehow, we all woke up and were ready to hit the waves at 7am. Martin, our captain for the day, showed up with a cooler, which we promptly filled with refreshments and we were on our way. It was a great day on the boat. After 5 hours of sun, swimming and surfing we...

Bocas del Toro – Day 51

The other guys went out on a boat over to Wizard beach on the next island over, and I opted to stick around town on my own. I walked around for most of the morning. It’s not the most attractive town I’ve been in, but the people are friendly and it...