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No trip to Panama would be complete without a visit to the Canal. So, after a couple cups of coffee, we got into a cab and headed toward the Miraflores Locks segment of the canal.

We arrived at the observation building and paid $5 each, not quite knowing what to expect. From the 4th floor observation deck, we had a great view of the locks. At first, it felt very underwhelming, but was really put in perspective when we looked at the complexity of the engineering, and thought about what a massive undertaking it was to construct, and the fact that it’s been an integral spot for international trade for almost 100 years.

However, even with an optimistic view of the importance of the canal, it’s difficult to justify hanging around for too long with nothing happening. As we were about to leave, a large cargo ship showed up and we were treated to a live locking. Big gates close up, water levels equalize, gates open, ship moves on at the proper elevation. Engineering 1, Nature 0.

The rest of the day was spent trying to get a handle on settling our trip to Colombia. There are dozens of boats that make the trip, but no regular service. So the onus is on the traveler to find a boat they like and arrange travel directly with the captain. We started out by emailing a dozen or so captains. Cross your fingers.